Signature Verification Code Examples
The following are examples on how to implement signature verification for incoming WebHook requests.
// Optional: Prevent replay attacks by ensuring this request has been signed
// recently (+/- 5 minutes). The request timestamp is in ms!
$req_age = abs(time() - intval($req_timestamp)/1000);
if ($req_age > 300) die('Invalid request timestamp');
// Calculate challenge hash by concatenating the request timestamp with the
// webhook secret with a semicolon in between: "timestamp;secret".
// Hash is created with SHA256 encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$secret = 'a_random_secret_string';
$challenge = hash('sha256', $req_timestamp . ';' . $secret);
// Calculate request body signature using the challenge hash as secret.
// Signature is a HMAC SHA256 hash encoded as hexdecimal lowercase string.
$req_raw_body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$expected_signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $req_raw_body, $challenge);
// Compare expected with received signature.
if ($expected_signature !== $req_signature) die('Invalid signature');
// Add solved challenge to response.
header('X-SocialHub-Challenge: ' . $challenge);
// Parse the JSON request body and process the received events.
// ...
NodeJS (expressjs middleware)
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const moment = require('moment');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const verifySignature = (req, res, next) => {
const {
'x-socialhub-timestamp': reqTimestamp,
'x-socialhub-signature': reqSignature,
} = req.headers;
if (!reqTimestamp || !reqSignature) {
throw new InvalidSignature('SocialHub headers missing from request');
// Prevent replay attacks by ensuring this request has been signed
// recently (+/- 5 minutes). The request timestamp is in ms!
if (moment().diff(Number(reqTimestamp), 'minutes', true) > 5) {
throw new InvalidSignature('Request timestamp is not valid');
// Calculate challenge hash.
const challenge = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(`${reqTimestamp};${config.socialHub.manifestSecret}`).digest('hex');
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', challenge);
// Add payload to calculations
// Middleware is used after body was parsed -> req.body will be set.
if (req.body) {
const payload = JSON.stringify(req.body);
// Calculate signature
const expectedSignature = hmac.digest('hex');
// Compare expected with received signature.
if (reqSignature !== expectedSignature) {
throw new InvalidSignature('Request signature is not valid');
// Add solved challenge to response.
// This will proof to SocialHub that we were the intended recipient.
res.set('x-socialhub-challenge', challenge);
};'/webhook', bodyParser.json(), verifySignature, function (req, res) {
This example has been contributed by @luto
import hashlib
import hmac
import time
class SocialHubSignatureError(Exception):
class SocialHubSignatureTimestampError(SocialHubSignatureError):
def verify_webhook_signature(
secret: str, req_timestamp: int, req_raw_body: bytes, req_signature: str,
ignore_time: bool=False
) -> str:
Verify X-SocialHub-Timestamp / X-SocialHub-Signature headers in webook requests
and return the challenge, which feeds into X-SocialHub-Challenge.
Author:, 2020
License: dual-licensed as CC-0 and MIT
# variable names in this method are not very pythonic, but identical to
# the ones in the PHP implementation. please keep them this way.
assert type(secret) is str
assert type(req_timestamp) is int
assert type(req_raw_body) is bytes
assert type(req_signature) is str
secret = secret.encode('ascii')
req_age = abs(time.time() - req_timestamp/1000)
if req_age > 300 and not ignore_time:
raise SocialHubSignatureTimestampError()
challenge = hashlib.sha256(str(req_timestamp).encode() + b';' + secret).hexdigest()
signature_hmac =, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
expected_signature = signature_hmac.hexdigest()
if req_signature != expected_signature:
raise SocialHubSignatureError()
return challenge